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Goal Tending

Ok, so you remember when I set about 8 goals for myself to play in a series of games and determine which is the most profitable for me? Yeah, well you were right, I can't stick to that goal. I'm terrible at keeping notes of when I played. I'm terrible at getting 30 minutes to sit and play, no more, no less.

BUT, before you go rubbing it in, I want to remind you of two other goals that I HAVE fulfilled. The first was really more of a theory that I had considered testing out. Way back on October 24th, I considered whether an MTT focus could save my bankroll. I decided to focus on them somewhat more thereafter. My theory was that one win would undo dozens of losses. The flaw, if there was one, was that one win might take hundreds of losses. As it turns out, it didn't take too long at all, and it did save my bankroll.

My 2nd goal amazes me even more. In August, I decided that my bankroll needed to grow to $400 by September 1st. I succeeded there. In September, I decided that my bankroll needed to reach $500 by October 1st. I succeeded there too. I didn't exactly say it, but I thought in my head that I'd have to grow the bankroll to $600 by the end of October. I'm a week overdue, but I more than made up for it by bringing the bankroll over $800 (soon to be dropped to $600, once I withdraw $200, earned by wifey Kim for putting up with my degenerate self).

So, new goal. This one is REAL, unlike that crazy ass goal from earlier this month. I will bring my bankroll to $700 by December 1st. Simple enough.

On the same topic, at the beginning of the year, I made a goal to have actual cash winnings of $100/month, for $1200 by the end of the year. Well, if I include my online bankroll, I could actually reach this amount. Of course, that would be a little cheating, because I only consider $$ withdrawn from online as a win. Until then, it's just video game tokens. But beggars can't be choosers.

posted by Jordan @ 6:29 PM,


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