Catching Sun
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I've signed up at Carribean Sun via PokerSourceOnline, in an attempt to earn another 6000 PSO points. I've been using my PSO points and VegasPokerPro promotions to get $50 BestBuy gift certificates, but I might change my strategy now that my good pal will be putting in my order for a 50" DLP HDTV ABCD TV. The total cost of the TV is about $2600. With my buddy's personal discount and $400 in gift certificates, the TV will cost me $1500 including tax. No complaints!
Let me tell you all that Carribean Sun Poker is the place to be. Go to PSO and check it out. I'm already 2/3 of the way to my bonus, and I've turned my $150 into $270+, with an additional $50 bonus to be released upon completion. With the holidays coming up, I should be done in no time. Sweet! If you are going to sign up for one of these promotions, Carribean Sun is my current recommendation. Quick, easy and the players suck!
I've made most of my dough at 2/4. Last night alone I think I won $50 or more with an additional $50 a night or two ago. I've been playing fairly standard, hitting cards and getting value. Lately, I've been back in the groove that I had in the beginning of the year, when I couldn't lose. My winnings were up to about $800+ in a few short months at micro limits (more .25/.50 than 2/4, and $20 home games) only to lose it all and my self-confidence in Las Vegas. I went on a series of bad games, part from faults in my game and part from variance. It got to the point where I abandoned my New Year's resolution, to win $1200 this year. The way I see it, an addition $100 per month is a way to show that I am not completely wasting my time. That goal is back in sight!
I played a $5 Maui SNG on Titan with GCox and Aussie Dave last night. I went out first after an ill-advised move involving at 5 and a 2...offsuit. After, I was chatting with G, Dave and Veneno trying to figure out why I am lately always the first blogger out of these blogger SNGs. I think I've figured it out for the most part. In these situations, I'm just looking to gamble and have fun. So I make moves in the very early stages with poop cards. As a result, I'm out first.
Meanwhile, I played a $10 18-person SNG on PokerStars and placed 2nd, winning $46 in profit. The difference there was that I was playing GOOD poker. My hand selection was tight. My timing and reads were great. As G puts it, I was playing like that time when I placed 4th in the 1008 person MTT. As long as I keep that style up, I should be able to continue my success. Too bad I love gambling.
Yippee-ki-yay, mother poker!
posted by Jordan @ 8:28 AM,
- At 9:24 AM, said...
What you need to find is "balance" grasshopper, between the aggressive gambooler and the tight rock. Balance is the key and when you have both going for you, those 4th place finishes in MTT's become possible.
I've seen it first hand and I know you have it in you.
G - At 2:59 PM, said...
Thanks and all, but I'm not concerned about my crappy play with bloggers. You said it, G. I know what to do. Now I just have to do it. And I will. Next time I play an SNG with bloggers, I'm going to place. I'd say win it, but thats the type of thinking that has gotten me in trouble.