Poker Rican
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'm in beautiful sunny Puerto Rico this week and wifey Kim and I decided to bring the laptop to keep in touch with the world and get more info on what to do here. So far, everything has been fantastic. This afternoon as we completed our walk around the local neighborhood, we stopped at the Intercontinental Hotel to check out their casino. Lo and behold, there in front of my very eyes was a sign advertising poker. Alas, the room was empty on a weekday afternoon and the nightly tournaments start at 8pm, prime wifey Kim time. As I told her, "I'm here for you, not for poker," but I don't think either of us will be surprised if I end up playing there at some point or another. If nothing else, I'll go late night to see if there are any cash games going following the tournaments (which apparently bring 70-100 players, on only 4 tables, with most players waiting as alternates, while the other two tables are reserved for cash games!). Weird!
On a separate note, do any of you intelligent people know how I can put a link on my main page but not have it appear on any of the archived pages? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and to thank you, I'll be sending you a brand-spanking new copy of Anthony Holden's "Bigger Deal" a fine book that I have almost finished. Your copy is a different copy than the one I read, because mine has been waterlogged by reading in the pool.
That's all for now. If I play some poker, I'll probably blog about it here, but otherwise, I don't expect to post much for the remainder of the week.
Until next time, make mine poker!
posted by Jordan @ 5:15 PM,
- At 9:18 PM, Pseudo_Doctor said...
hey have fun in PR. I definitely recommend going to Old San Juan and eating at this Parrot place forgot the name of it but you really can't miss it down there. There is also an really good Thai place/tapa place that is amazing. Have fun