Check It: DADI |


Banner Contest Addendum

I want to thank Chipper and SlimeFace for being so quick with their DADI banners. After tweaking my banner, it occurred to me that I should give some guidance as to what I am looking for. First, humor and eye-catching counts. Second, the more information you can fit, the better. Specifically, do your best to incorporate date, time, place, the game (HORSE), buy-in ($10+1), and the password (pokertrust; incidentally, I left this out of my first banner). Also, it would be a great sign of support to our sponsors if you mention them as well ( and Both companies have offered so much to DADI in the past and future, and without them DADI would just be another tournament. So show the love, and thank you for your submissions so far.

posted by Jordan @ 11:47 AM,


At 11:46 PM, Blogger Dave said...

OK your wish is my command - I've redone the banner to include the sponsors and the password. Hope that works for ya.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Seems as though you may be compressing the image a bit from my site - appears clearer on the original image.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

Chipper, people can see you banner by clicking on the pic I posted. On my screen (Mozilla FireFox) it looks big, if not full-sized. If it were any bigger, I think it might mess up my template.


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